Beach & Bowla
Beach & Bowla (7 September) On the 7th of september Turistično Društvo Dren will organize a Beach & Bowla. More information: Beach & Bowla

Isonzo Battlefields Great Journey (28-4-2018 / 5-5-2018)
Isonzo Battlefields Great Journey (28-4-2018 / 5-5-2018) Are you interested in world history and do you like to experience this with other people? Or have you seen most in Belgium and France? With Isonzo Battlefields Travel you will visit a fairly unknown front, existing of beautiful locations in the mountains with many outdoor museums. The partially mountain- and hill areas will give you a very good image of the immensely proportions of this insane war. Isonzo Battlefields Travel is an independent travel adviser who composes travel packages for you to the Italian and Austrian-Hungarian front in times of the Great War along the Isonzo river. Are you going to join us at the next journey from 28th April until 5th May? There are places available. You will stay in…

Osmica Pri Krčarju (27-4-2018 / 6-5-2018)
Osmica Pri Krčarju (27-4-2018 / 6-5-2018) Pristnost Krasa, poštena cena, super vino, dobra hrana, zabava in prijazni ljudje! Vse to na naši osmici Pri Krčarju v Selah na Krasu. Vabljeni! Suhomesnate kraške dobrote (pršut, salama, zašinek, panceta ...) Mladi sir v oljčnem olju Jota Glavni krožnik: zelje, repa, krompir, prata, klobase in kožarice Kuhani štruklji Domač kruh iz krušne peči Doma pridelano odprto vino: teran in belo mešano Teranov liker in nekaj zeliščnih žganj Contact Suzana in Peter Sodnik t 05 30 80 442 m 040 723 363/353 p.sodnik@gmail.com Pri Krčarju Sela na Krasu 3 5296 Kostanjevica na Krasu

Kras Kros 2018 (28-1-2018 & 11-3-2018)
Kras Kros 2018 (11-3-2018) The AMKK Ales.ca-racing team from Miren will also organize a sports event in the Gorizia Karst in the Municipality of Miren - Kostanjevica, the KRAS KROS TRAIL RUN and the KRAS KROS MTB "MARATON" . The date of the sixth performance of the Kras Kros MTB is 11.3.2018 . The Karst Trail Run Karst will be in February 2018. 6. KRAS KROS MTB GRANFONDO, March 11, 2018, a massive mountain bike-recreational event with a racing attraction over hardened forest roads, will be served with a slightly modified 41 kilometer track. The course will most likely be in the opposite direction than in previous versions! The starting - the target space remains in Mirn at Primary School. This year's event will also include the Deš Fleš Cycling Association and members of the Tourist Association Cerje . More in the month of November. Kras…

Ziplining Ziplining is an adrenaline drop down steel wires that connect two points. The length between the wires varies. Our wires are between 550 and 700 m long. Your tourist guide safely fastens you on the pulley using security belt and you are good to go, feeling free like a bird.

Rachael, UK Really enjoyed our 2 nights here. Francesca and Federico are both really lovely and interesting to talk to. Very very good English! Their home is beautiful. The second floor was all for us and it's decorated so nicely. Francesca prepared us a beautiful breakfast on both days. There is also a fridge for use which is really handy. Not far from the town of Duino which has lovely fish restaurants. Good wifi. Easy parking. Spotlessly clean! Thank you.

Tim, Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands Francesca and Federico are very hospitable hosts. We are happy to have met them! They both speak English very well. Every morning there was a delicious breakfast ready with al kinds of fresh ingredients and it was different every day. We stayed in Sela na Krasu for one week, but there are still things left to do! The house is beautiful and very clean and cool in the summer. There is a smart tv, with all kinds of apps, including Netflix, so if you have an account, you can log in. The garden is beautiful, with flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. You can do a lot of activities in the neighborhood, like visit caves, go to the beach, visit Venice. Francesca can give you good…

Karst Lavender Festival
Karst Lavender Festival On 24-6 & 25-6 there will be the Karst Lavender Festival at the Ivanji Grad. Click for more info

Odprti Borjači
V letošnjem letu smo v eno združili dve večji prireditvi, ki jih organiziramo v Pliskovici. Osrednji dogodek Festivala kamna je državno tekmovanje mladih kamnosekov, predtekmovanje za udeležbo na evropskem tekmovanju Euroskills. Osrednji dogodek Dneva odprtih borjačev pa je predstavitev življenja in dela domačinov, pa tudi prijateljskih in bližnjih vasi. Prireditvi bosta potekali v soboto in nedeljo, 17. in 18. junija. Za združitev dogodkov smo se odločili, ker smo prepričani, da na ta način našim obiskovalcem ponudimo še več kot smo do sedaj lahko ponudili na posamezni prireditvi, saj se bosta prireditvi dopolnjevali in nadgrajevali. Poleg tekmovanja mladih kamnosekov in degustacij na odprtih borjačih, ki bodo letos odprti tudi v nedeljo, za vas pripravljamo še pester spremljevalni program; obrtniško tržnico, različne delavnice, predstavitve in prikaze, pohode, otroško animacijo, kulturne vsebine, sobotni zabavni večer, kulturni…

Biennale Arte 2017
Introducing the 57th International Art Exhibition the 57th Exhibition will open to the public on Saturday 13 May 2017 the show is curated by Christine Macel The 57th International Art Exhibition, titled Viva Arte Viva, will open to the public from Saturday May 13th to Sunday November 26th, 2017 (Giardini and Arsenale) and will be curated by Christine Macel and organised by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The preview will take place on May 10th, 11th and 12th, the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on Saturday, May 13th 2017. The Exhibition will also include 86 National Participations in the historic Pavilions at the Giardini, at the Arsenale and in the city centre of Venice. Three countries will be participating for the first time: Antigua and…

èStoria Because it's a story Bring the story to the center of the scene as a motive for dialogue and Gorizia as a meeting place: two visions that have found an opportunity to express themselves in a united and unique way through the International Festival of Gorizia History, born in 2005 under the name "La History in the Head ". The Festival has grown over the years along with its mission: to bring the broadest possible and composite audience to the big themes of historiography. Exciting results and beyond the expectations of the years are the result of a formula that alongside the rigor and the high esteem of historians, journalists, witnesses and international scholars the ability to divulge, to fascinate and engage even those who do not work Forty…

Carso Trail (12th May)
KARST PLATEAU Karst, also known as Karst plateau or Carsia, is a rocky limestone plateau that extends in the north-east of Italy, from the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea (in the province of Gorizia and Trieste) and that, through the western Slovenia and northern Istria, developes up to the Velebit Mountain in the far north-west of Croatia. According to the 1926 partition of the Alps, Karst it is considered part of the Alpine region and is seen as one of the 26 sections of the Alps. More Information: http://www.carsotrail.it/en/

Wolfgang, Klausen, Italia Posto unico fuori dal turismo e dello stress. La casa idillica circondata da un giardino grande si trove in un paesino tranquillo. L'arredamento della casa è di buon gusto e pieno d'amore. Ci siamo sentiti molto a nostro agio. Tutto quanto era un'esperienza particolare.

Stefannie, Fleming Island, Florida, United States Francesca's B&B was absolutely wonderful. She is a gracious and kind host who speaks fluent English. The B&B is nestled in the little town of Sela Na Krasu. Excellent if you are looking to relax and unwind. The views surrounding the home are beautiful. The furnishing, decor, and atmosphere were comfortable and inviting. Francesca's provides a breakfast in the morning that is spectacular and delicious. It is more than your average continental breakfast along with fresh coffee or tea. Hoping to return someday :-)

Pizzeria Frnažar
Picerija Frnažar – picerija z več kot 20-letno družinsko tradicijo Dolgoletne izku š nje peke pic, skrbno izbrane sestavine ter spro š čeno in toplo vzdu š je dajejo na š i ponudbi poseben pečat. V pestrem izboru pic iz kru š ne peči boste zagotovo tudi vi na š li takšno, zaradi katere se bo vredno vračati k nam. Poleg več kot 50 vrst pic pa ponujamo tudi izvrstne bruschette, tople sendviče in toaste pripravljene v kru š ni peči.

Tomas, Oslo, Norway We spent 4 days at Francesca's house and we had a great time there. Francesca was the perfect host, very welcoming, helpful and caring. She was very attentive specially to our little baby so much that she bought a little swimming pool that we could use in the garden. The house was beautiful, very clean and comfortable. Breakfast was really good, fresh baked bread and cakes among other delicious things, very pretty set and waiting for us every morning when we woke up. Sela na Krasu is a charming and little village, there are no stores or restaurants around so you'll need a car. For a family looking for a nice and quite stay in the country side this is the perfect place to go and we…

Gostilna Štirna
Predstavitev To je stara vaška gostilna z mladim osebjem, ki s prijaznostjo in individualnim pristopom do vsakega gosta ustvarja občutek domačnosti in topline. V notranjosti lokala je na voljo 90 sedišč razporejenih v dveh manjših in eni večji sobi. Večji prostor sprejme okoli 50 gostov in se ga lahko rezervira za različna praznovanja. Gostilna Štirna ima na voljo dva letna vrta: Terasa pred gostilno ima lep razgled na vaški trg s štirno in cerkvijo. Dvorišče, preurejeno v pravi kraški vrt nudi 60 sedišč. Medtem, ko gostje v miru uživajo v dobri domači hrani, lahko občudujejo in spoznavajo zelišča. Poskrbljeno je tudi za najmlajše z otroškim igralom.

Osmica Pri Krčarju
Pristnost Krasa, poštena cena, super vino, dobra hrana, zabava in prijazni ljudje! Vse to na naši osmici Pri Krčarju v Selah na Krasu. Vabljeni! suhomesnate kraške dobrote (pršut, salama, zašinek, panceta ...) mladi sir v oljčnem olju jota glavni krožnik: zelje, repa, krompir, prata, klobase in kožarice kuhani štruklji domač kruh iz krušne peči doma pridelano odprto vino: teran in belo mešano teranov liker in nekaj zeliščnih žganj

San Daniele Ham
San Daniele šunka D.O.P. se proizvaja v istoimenski regiji Friuli, kjer hladen severni zrak stika s toplo en postopek od morja ustvarja idealne pogoje za začinjanje. Sol, čas in to v ednini vremenske razmere so resnične skrivnosti, da dobijo to znamenito klobaso, proizvedeno po metodah dela stoletnimi. Ta šunka, edinstvena v Italiji, ohranja Trotter in ima ravno obliko zaradi stiskanja, izvršena z namenom, da je meso posebno občutljivost. Med začimbe, ki lahko traja do več kot trinajst mesecev, je posuta z naravno mešanico narejena iz svinjske masti in žit stranskih proizvodov, da bi preprečili, da meso pred izsušitvijo prehitro. Pri rezanju, rezine poglej svetlo rožnate rdeče barve z zelo bele venah mast, sladkega okusa in nežen vonj, skupaj z vonjem suhega sadja. To gre zelo dobro s suhim…

The Collio
Collio Goriziano (včasih imenovana le kot Collio ali Collio DOC) je italijanska vina in vinarstvo regija v severovzhodni italijanski deželi Furlaniji-Julijski krajini, ki se nahaja v severnem delu province Gorici, v italijanskem delu Goriška Brda, ki razširi na sosednje Slovenije. Ugotovljeno je bilo z uradnim statusom DOC. Colli Goriziano večinoma proizvaja bela vina z furlanšËini, Rebula, malvazija Istriana, chardonnay, sivi bianco, sivi pinot in sauvignon blanc Kot vodilna varietals. Rdeče vino se proizvaja tudi pod oznako Collio Rosso in je ponavadi mešanica merlota, cabernet franc in cabernet sauvignon. Ime "Collio" je vzeta iz italijanske besede Colli, kar pomeni, pobočjih in opisuje teren regije Collio Goriške. Collio razteza od reke Judrio na zahodu, kjer meji na Colli Orientali del Friuli DOC, na slovenski meji na vzhodu. Na jugu, je to…

Kozji Sir
Nova Vas je majhno naselje se nahaja tik ob meji med Slovenijo in Italijo, bolj znan po svojih odličnih kozjim sirom. Turisti lahko obiščejo straže stolp v bližini vasi, dveh ohranjenih kalov in komunalne vodnjaka, šteje del arhitekturne dediščine, kot tudi svetovne vojne spomin in obnovljeno cerkev sv Sylvester (sv. Silvester) .

The Karst Ham
The Slovenian Karst is a very special, lyrical landscape, spreading over the south-western part of the country near the border with Italy. It is the meeting place of many special regional features of Slovenia. The immense Nanos plateau and the distant Carnic ridges to the north indicate a passage to the Alps; low hills to the east and south indicate its closeness to the sea; and the openness of the sky towards the west gives a hint of the Friulian Marches extending deep into Italy. This region is also home to strong winds like the Bora, which blows briskly from the cold Alps towards the warm Mediterranean, and gives the distinct taste to the Karst dry-cured ham – pršut. The Karst is simply fantastic. The strong winds have sculpted…

Nova Gorica Casinos
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Read More

Trst je mesto in pristanišče na severovzhodu Italije. Nahaja se proti koncu ozkega pasu ozemlja Italije, ki leži med Jadranskim morjem in Slovenije, ki leži skoraj takoj južno in vzhodno od mesta. Prav tako se nahaja v bližini Hrvaškem nekateri še 30 kilometrov (19 mi) proti jugu. Trst se nahaja na čelu v Tržaškem zalivu in v zgodovini je bilo pod vplivom svoje lege na stičišču latinščini, slovanskih in germanskih kultur. V letu 2009 je imela populacijo okoli 205.000 [1] in je glavno mesto avtonomne dežele Furlanije-Julijske krajine in pokrajine Trst. Trst je bil eden najstarejših delov habsburške monarhije. V 19. stoletju je bilo najbolj pomembno pristanišče ene od velikih sil v Evropi. Kot uspešno pristanišče v Sredozemlju, Trst postal četrto največje mesto v Avstro-Ogrske (po Dunaju, v Budimpešti…

With its gondolas, canals, amazing restaurants, and unforgettable romantic ambiance, Venice is definitely a city for one's bucket list. Waterfront palazzos, palaces, and churches make drifting down the Grand Canal feel like cruising through a painting. To really experience Venice you must go to the opera or to a classical music performance, nibble fresh pasta and pastries, and linger in the exhibit halls of an art gallery. Label lovers will drool over the high-end shopping in Piazza San Marco.

Ljubljana is the political and cultural heart of the Slovenian nation. It is an important European commercial, business, exhibition and congressional centre as well as the transport, science and education centre of Slovenia. A people-friendly city As its inhabitants and numerous visitors will tell you, Ljubljana is, indeed, a people-friendly city. Categorised as a medium-sized European city, it offers everything a metropolis does yet preserves its small-town friendliness. Its geographical position in the centre of Europe has determined Ljubljana as a natural meeting place for merchants and soldiers as well as - and more than once - peacemakers. The victors of the Napoleonic wars selected this peaceful city as the site of the Holy Alliance congress, which in 1821 sealed the European political geography for years to come. The old…

The River Soča / Isonzo
Soča: the emerald river of adventures The River Soča, which has a distinct emerald green colour, is considered to be one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. Its water flows across waterfalls, small waterfalls, and cascades as well as through narrow rocky gorges, and along the way it has carved surprising canyons and pools. The river and its tributaries excite the lovers of natural beauty and seekers of adventurous water sports , such as wildwater kayaking, rafting, canyoning etc. A renowned fish lives in the River Soča – the Soča Trout, which attracts fishermen from all over the world. The mountainous landscape above the River Soča was the scene of the largest mountain battle in history during World War I. More Information

First World War itineraries
The south-western front of the First World War, which was held on the border between Italy and Austro-Hungary, has plunged many European nations into the turmoil of battle and had a terrible impact on our region, too. After almost a century a dense network of forest paths, military roads, the remains of rail tracks, as well as trenches, caverns, forts, strategic artillery positions and cemeteries remind us of battlefields that have extended from the Alpine Ortler to the Adriatic Sea. Some thirty years ago a group of enthusiasts, who later on established the “Dolomitenfreunde” association, decided to restore all former military paths that led across the battlefields of the First World War and represented a division between European nations. Today, these roads and paths bring European nations closer together.…

Grado is a historic seaside town located on a lagoon island along Italy's north-east Adriatic coast, in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. The town, which has a population of 9,000, is in the Province of Gorizia and is very near the head of the Adriatic Sea. It is frequently described as a northern relative to Venice; at one time it was the more important of the two towns. Like Venice, Grado was populated as the inhabitants of mainland Roman settlements fled into the lagoons to escape successive invasions. After the sixth-century fall of the Roman city of Aquileia, an important early centre of Christianity, Grado became the seat of the Patriarch or Archbishop who was reponsible for the Adriatic lagoon islands and for Istria. After various fallings-out, including an occasion…

Cividale del Friuli
Defended on the bank of the Natisone River, Cividale del Friuli has developed and maintained in the centuries a noble and stern print as one vital capital of strategic importance, marked and enriched by the passage of foreign people: Longobardi and Franchi. We leave therefore to the discovery of the city crossing the Natisone river on the Bridge of the Devil . Let's go therefore to the discovery of the city beginning from the heart of the historical center, piazza del Duomo. The look is immediately captured by the imposing Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, whose luminous facade in white stone bears the clear signs of its moments of building. The building has been in fact constructed between XV and XVIII century, in Venetian Ghotic style. The majestic greateness…

Aquileia was founded by the Romans as a military colony in 181 BC He was first bulwark against the invasion of the Barbarians and the departure point for expeditions and military conquests. Thanks to a good road network and an impressive river port, over time it became increasingly important for its business and for the development of a highly refined crafts (glass, amber, fictilia, gems …). Reached its zenith under the rule Caesar Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD), becoming the capital of X Regio “Venetia et Histria” and speeding up the process that would have made this one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire. Durations following centuries, internal wars, raids or reprisals external and rapid incursions threatened the city, which is involved in the wider…

Teran Wine
Teran, the fiery red thick wine, is one of the most important products of the Karst soil, also known as “terra rossa” or “jerina”. Teran, a genuine Slovenian wine with desig- nated origin, is produced from Refosco vine grapes. The medicinal features of teran are the result of its numerous mineral substances and lactic acids, but it is also known for its distinctive aroma which resembles the scent of wild berries. Teran is a young wine of full taste; with maturing, its characteristics are completely changed and gradually become more similar to red wines from around the world - such wine is called TERANTON. The kind of teran that is made from the best grapes, suitable for wine of superior quality, is known as the “izbrani teran PTP” (selected…

Miramare Castle
Miramare Castle is surrounded by a flourishing park full of precious botanic species, and has a charming panoramic view, given its location on a cliff high above the sea. It stands on the peak of the rocky promontory of Grignano in the Gulf of Trieste, and is about 10 km from the city itself. Commissioned in the second half of the 19th century by the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Hapsburg as a residence for himself and his wife, Charlotte of Belgium, the castle offers today's visitors an example of a luxurious aristocratic residence which has preserved its original furnishings. More Information

Duino Castle
Standing on a Karst rock spur falling sheer into the sea, with a breathtaking view over the whole gulf of Trieste, the castle of Duino is a charming tourist destination: its beauty is enhanced by the warm and joyful atmosphere that the presence of the owners, the members of the family of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis, provides to this historical dwelling, making it lively, far from the cold museum sternness. Rich in history combined with folk legends, indissolubly linked to the past of the surrounding territory, which witnessed glorious historical events and visits by illustrious figures, the castle of Duino, a few kilometres from Trieste, is characterized by unique romantic charm. The large park (which features multicoloured flowers of all species that create picturesque and charming colour…

Once an ancient Roman fort, the village of Štanjel stands proudly atop a hill; its geographic location making it an important settlement in this area since the iron age. Walls built around the village in the 15th century were foritfied during the 17th century to defend against Turkish raids. The village served as a base for occupying German troops during the second world war and was heavily damaged by Allied bombing at the end of the war. Since then it has been slowly rebuilt. A major landmark in the village is The Ferarri Garden, located below the village. Other landmarks include Štanjel Castle, which was built in the middle ages. The church of St. Daniel, built in the 15th century as a burial vault for the Counts of Cobenzl…

Škocjan Caves
Due to their exceptional significance, the Škocjan Caves were entered on UNESCO’s list of natural and cultural world heritage sites in 1986. International scientific circles have thus acknowledged the importance of the Caves as one of the natural treasures of planet Earth. Ranking among the most important caves in the world, the Škocjan Caves represent the most significant underground phenomena in both the Karst region and Slovenia. From time immemorial, people have been attracted to the gorge where the Reka River disappears underground as well as the mysterious cave entrances. The Reka River sinks under a rocky wall; on the top of it lies the village of Škocjan after which the Caves are named. Archaeological research has shown that people lived in the caves and…

We loved every second of our stay at this gorgeous b n b. It is in a very quiet but charming area. Loved Francesca's charming home, very private, roomy spaces. We appreciated absolutely every detail with her touch. Especially enjoyed basking in front of the nice fire stove, a real treat. Breakfast was copious and varied!

Jernej *****
Jernej, Velenje, Slovenia Tripadvisor: With friends, we greeted the New Year in the atmosphere that can not be described! Here we stopped for the second time and is far from the last! House and hospitality at the level of a luxury hotel, which is at the heart of a small village surrounded by Kras landscape. Here you can taste great wine Teran, by serving in the immediate vicinity, offered an excellent ham! Only three kilometers away is the perfect view point Kamenjak, from where you can see Triglav and the beach ... definitely an excellent excursion to stop, where to sleep well and enjoy an excellent breakfast prepared by Francesca and Federico! Thank you for all the hospitality and kindness, that we can make a memorable New Year! See you soon…

Sistiana, Duino beaches and Castles
The former Caravella is situated in the area of the old quarry of Sistiana-Duino Aurisina and is a wide stretch of pebbly shore, suitable for children as well. You can swim in a crystal-clear blue-green sea a short way from the Castle of Duino. During the day the Caravella Park provides huts, sunbeds, deckchairs and umbrellas. The youngest children will enjoy the Baby Park with inflatable games and swimming pools, entertainment and games on the sand. The young ones and the sports enthusiasts will have great fun with soap football, beach volleyball, beach soccer, table tennis and board games. At night the beach is transformed, light and music are turned on and you can enjoy the nightlife of the bay of Sistiana in a charming setting, dancing…at sea. Discover the…

Francesca was an amazing host with a beautiful Airbnb. She was very kind and understanding, brought us cough medicine and lent us her sat Nav for our tour into Italy. The breakfasts were varied, generous and delicious. This was one of the best Airbnb experiences that we have had.

Jacek, Józefosław, Poland I strongly recommend this house for all who prefer country side, calm, charming places for holidays, where you can feel like one of people living there. Village is small with beautiful landscapes, with convenient access to typical touristic cities like a Verona, Venice, Trieste, Ljubljana. You don’t have to go so far to enjoy fantastic villages or places like Grado or Sistiana. But the highest value of this place are hosts – Francesca and Frederico – charming people, supporting anytime when you wish offering support in tourist advises but also are experts in local vineyards or even ceramic artist products (strongly recommend). House is very stylish, nice and comfortable. Interior is design very tastefully combining modern style with local original elements. They really care about nice atmosphere of…

Jasmien V
Jasmien V, Netherlands Francesca is a perfect host. She showed us the way to unknown interesting places to sea. (Cividale, f.i.) The breakfast was amazing. There is always good music in the house. We 'felt at home' immediatly'; shame we couldn't stay longer. Prima uitvalsplek om Slovenië en stukjes Italië te verkennen

Murielle, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium We spent four wonderful days at Francesca's place. Francesca and Frederico are extremely nice and pleasant hosts, the house is very spacious and beautiful, breakfast was delicious. Communication went very easy. We definitely recommend this place.

Zuzana, Bratislava, Slovakia We've chosen Francesca's place beacuse of the great pictures which pleased our eyes and heart. Sometimes the photographs might sell more than there really is, but this time the reality was even better. The place is just beautiful and comfortable. The interior was clean and spotless with many details which make guests feel at home and welcomed (bottled water ready in the refrigerator, welcome drinks, the bookshelf full of great books in English, the hair-dryer in the bathroom... ) Francesca had also a small inflatable swimming-pool ready for our 3 year old son and she kindly offered us to use their bicycles anytime we want. Every morning, she surprised us with different kind of delicious breakfast (pancakes, fruit salad, homemade pastries, local ham and cheese, fresh coffee...). We…

Carlitos Miami
Carlitos Miami, Cham, Switserland Francesca is an excellent host and the place is fantastic! From there you can visit Trieste, the beaches and neighboring places! Definitively to be recommended if you're looking for a peaceful place immersed in nature and a traditional country style village.

Jauko *****
Jauko, Leusden, Netherlands Tripadvisor: Great hospitality and beautiful environment Thank you for your hospitality! We had a great time at your B&B and the service was great, especially the breakfast. Your house is restored wonderfully and a great place to stay. A large living room to sit down with our kids and separate bedrooms. A nice and clean bathroom. The Karst aria is beautiful and there is a lot to do close to the B&B. We didn't know that Venice was only a little more then 100km away. Also the caves from Postojna and Skocjan, the Lipicaner horses, Italy and the sea are very close. Our children had a great time in finding the WW1 metal at the trenches nearby. We have to thank Francesca and Federico for helping them.…

Lijak is a paragliding and hang gliding paradise! We have a pleasant Mediterranean climate for excellent flight conditions all year round, for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts. Lijak is a very popular site for long flights along the southern ridge of the Trnovska plateau right up to the top of Nanos. (Maybe put here “1,313 metres”) It is also a world famous flight competition venue.

Postojnska Caves
Beneath the Postojna Cave Park's surface lies a wonderful subterranean world abundant with unusual sculptures and animals. A fantastic web of tunnels, passages, galleries and halls, the astonishing diversity of Karst features as well as easy access are certainly the main reasons for such popularity of the cave and a large number of visitors, which has already reached 35 million in 200 years.

Cycling Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Soca Kayak
Soca Kayak Whitewater kayaking is one of the most attractive activities since Soča river is suitable for different levels of knowledge on different sections. Tailored to your wishes When choosing a kayak course you are given many different options tailored to your skills and time you wish to spend on the Soča river. We offer beginners, intermediate and advanced programs. Besides you can choose between one or multiple day programs stretching from 2 to 3 hours. We will provide all the equipment and take care of the organization. Safe You will be accompanied by a professional guide who will take care of your safety but also teach you different paddling techniques. Fun and inspiring The aim of kayak course is to obtain specific knowledge of the paddling, as well…

Soca Fun Park
The Adventure Park is designed for people who like adventure and amusement. You are welcome to join us in the unforgettable adventure in the treetops next to the emerald river Soča. During weekends we are open from 10 to 18 It is possible for groups to make a reservation outside opening hours at 00386-40 377 477 or at info@socafunpark.si They offer: • Adventures for all ages (from 5 years up) • Birthday Parties • Bachelor Parties • Team Building • School Sports days The park is suitable for everyone older than 5. There are 49 stations around the 4 different routes that finish with the famous Drop of courage zip-line over the river Soča, also called the Flying Fox. The adventure starts in a raft crossing the river Soča.

Soca Rafting
Soca Rafting, One off the amazing things you can you in the surrounding area is rafting. The Soča Valley with its pristine and picturesque nature is a paradise for active leisure and real treasury of experiences. Rafting is a unique experience for all generations. Through rafting on the rapids of the emerald river we strengthen the team spirit and admire the beauty surrounding us.

Walking Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lipica Horses
Lipica is the oldest European stud farm continuously breeding one of the oldest cultural horse breeds. As such it has a remarkable significance as a cultural, historical and natural heritage for Slovenia and Europe. In 1996 the Lipica Stud Farm was declared a cultural monument of outstanding importance for the Republic of Slovenia by adopting the Act on Stud Farm Lipica. More Information